Thursday, June 10, 2010

Thursday, 17 June 2010

Ah so here we are at Thursday again. Week number three!

Myself I love Thursdays. It’s almost the last day of the week. And Thursday nights I go to bed a little later, just thinking “It’s only Friday tomorrow”.

I'm not loving today though. I have a fucking cold and as type this I feel like I'm swallowing a whole apple.

Back to the Blog, I’m still lacking comments people. I need to know whether I should keep up the Thursday Funnies! So let me know (I think you have to register or something first but it doesn’t take long).

So what has occurred in the past week? Tell me in the comments…

For me, it was a long weekend, World Cup starting (including a 4-0 loss for Australia to Germany).I went on a houseboat myself, and I’m sure many future pics for the Thursday Funnies will be from that trip! Maybe even a video in there, we shall see.

I also re-discovered my hatred for obese people. Actually no, it wasn’t rediscovered, it was always there. But when you have one big ass person walking at 0.000000001 km/h along a narrow path, blocking everyone behind them, you feel the need to throw a burger onto the street so they run out and get hit by a car. I’m just kidding. But seriously.

Anyway, enough of my rant, enjoy the funny pics!

Click on the pics to enlarge.

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